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PXO_4241 | 3415.00~3554.00 电话传真下单 邮件下单 自助下单 | S232 / Single-Mode Optic Fiber - Converter( Daisy chain fiber connections a chain fiber connections allowed: Single Loop, Point to point )(SFP not pres llowed: Single Loop, Point to point )(SFP not present for specific customer application) RS232 t to point )(SFP not present for specific customer application) RS232 / 单模光纤 - 转换器( 菊花链 光纤 链 ent for specific customer application) RS232 / 单模光纤 - 转换器( 菊花链 光纤 链接s allowed: 单Loop, Point to point ) (SFP not pr application) RS232 / 单模光纤 - 转换器( 菊花链 光纤 链接s allowed: 单Loop, Point to point ) (SFP not present 用于s / 单模光纤 - 转换器( 菊花链 光纤 链接s allowed: 单Loop, Point to point ) (SFP not present 用于s ( 菊花链 光纤 链接s allowed: 单Loop, Point to point ) (SFP not present 用于s s allowed: 单Loop, Point to point ) (SFP not present 用于s nt to point ) (SFP not present 用于s esent 用于s | | xGate | | HD67592 | |0003| | PXO_4242 | 3415.00~3554.00 电话传真下单 邮件下单 自助下单 | S485/ Single-Mode Optic F iber - Converter( Daisy chain fiber connections al hain fiber connections allowed: Single Loop, Point to point )(SFP not prese lowed: Single Loop, Point to point )(SFP not present for specific customer application) RS485/ to point )(SFP not present for specific customer application) RS485/ 单模光纤 - 转换器( 菊花链 光纤 链接 nt for specific customer application) RS485/ 单模光纤 - 转换器( 菊花链 光纤 链接s allowed: 单Loop, Point to point ) (SFP not pres application) RS485/ 单模光纤 - 转换器( 菊花链 光纤 链接s allowed: 单Loop, Point to point ) (SFP not present 用于spe 单模光纤 - 转换器( 菊花链 光纤 链接s allowed: 单Loop, Point to point ) (SFP not present 用于spe ( 菊花链 光纤 链接s allowed: 单Loop, Point to point ) (SFP not present 用于spe s allowed: 单Loop, Point to point ) (SFP not present 用于spe to point ) (SFP not present 用于spe ent 用于spe | | xGate | | HD67593 | |0003| | PXO_4243 | 3415.00~3554.00 电话传真下单 邮件下单 自助下单 | AN / Single-Mode Optic Fi ber - Converter( Daisy chain fiber connections all ain fiber connections allowed: Single Loop, Point to point )(SFP not presen owed: Single Loop, Point to point )(SFP not present for specific customer application) CAN / to point )(SFP not present for specific customer application) CAN / 单模光纤 - 转换器( 菊花链 光纤 链接s t for specific customer application) CAN / 单模光纤 - 转换器( 菊花链 光纤 链接s allowed: 单Loop, Point to point ) (SFP not presen pplication) CAN / 单模光纤 - 转换器( 菊花链 光纤 链接s allowed: 单Loop, Point to point ) (SFP not present 用于speci 模光纤 - 转换器( 菊花链 光纤 链接s allowed: 单Loop, Point to point ) (SFP not present 用于speci 菊花链 光纤 链接s allowed: 单Loop, Point to point ) (SFP not present 用于speci allowed: 单Loop, Point to point ) (SFP not present 用于speci o point ) (SFP not present 用于speci t 用于speci | | xGate | | HD67594 | |0003| | PXO_4244 | 3415.00~3554.00 电话传真下单 邮件下单 自助下单 | thernet / Single-Mode Opt ic Fiber - Converter( Daisy chain fiber connection sy chain fiber connections allowed: Single Loop, Point to point )(SFP not p s allowed: Single Loop, Point to point )(SFP not present for specific customer application) oint to point )(SFP not present for specific customer application) 以太网/ 单模光纤 - 转换器( 菊花链 光 resent for specific customer application) 以太网/ 单模光纤 - 转换器( 菊花链 光纤 链接s allowed: 单Loop, Point to point ) (SFP mer application) 以太网/ 单模光纤 - 转换器( 菊花链 光纤 链接s allowed: 单Loop, Point to point ) (SFP not present 用于s 太网/ 单模光纤 - 转换器( 菊花链 光纤 链接s allowed: 单Loop, Point to point ) (SFP not present 用于s 换器( 菊花链 光纤 链接s allowed: 单Loop, Point to point ) (SFP not present 用于s 链接s allowed: 单Loop, Point to point ) (SFP not present 用于s p, Point to point ) (SFP not present 用于s not present 用于s | | xGate | | HD67595 | |0003| | PXO_4245 | 3415.00~3554.00 电话传真下单 邮件下单 自助下单 | S232 / Single-Mode Optic Fiber - Converter( Daisy chain fiber connections chain fiber connections allowed: Multi-drop, redundant Double loop, Point allowed: Multi-drop, redundant Double loop, Point to Point ) (SFP not present for specific customer ndant Double loop, Point to Point ) (SFP not present for specific customer application) RS232 / 单模光纤 - 转换 to Point ) (SFP not present for specific customer application) RS232 / 单模光纤 - 转换器( 菊花链 光纤 链接s allowed: 多-drop, re nt for specific customer application) RS232 / 单模光纤 - 转换器( 菊花链 光纤 链接s allowed: 多-drop, redundant D application) RS232 / 单模光纤 - 转换器( 菊花链 光纤 链接s allowed: 多-drop, redundant D / 单模光纤 - 转换器( 菊花链 光纤 链接s allowed: 多-drop, redundant D ( 菊花链 光纤 链接s allowed: 多-drop, redundant D s allowed: 多-drop, redundant D dundant D | | xGate | | HD67596 | |0003| | PXO_4246 | 3415.00~3554.00 电话传真下单 邮件下单 自助下单 | S485 / Single-Mode Optic Fiber - Converter( Daisy chain fiber connections chain fiber connections allowed: Multi-drop, redundant Double loop, Point allowed: Multi-drop, redundant Double loop, Point to Point ) (SFP not present for specific customer ndant Double loop, Point to Point ) (SFP not present for specific customer application) RS485 / 单模光纤 - 转换 to Point ) (SFP not present for specific customer application) RS485 / 单模光纤 - 转换器( 菊花链 光纤 链接s allowed: 多-drop, re nt for specific customer application) RS485 / 单模光纤 - 转换器( 菊花链 光纤 链接s allowed: 多-drop, redundant D application) RS485 / 单模光纤 - 转换器( 菊花链 光纤 链接s allowed: 多-drop, redundant D / 单模光纤 - 转换器( 菊花链 光纤 链接s allowed: 多-drop, redundant D ( 菊花链 光纤 链接s allowed: 多-drop, redundant D s allowed: 多-drop, redundant D dundant D | | xGate | | HD67597 | |0003| | PXO_4247 | 3415.00~3554.00 电话传真下单 邮件下单 自助下单 | AN / Single-Mode Optic F iber - Converter( Daisy chain fiber connections al hain fiber connections allowed: Multi-drop, redundant Double loop, Point to lowed: Multi-drop, redundant Double loop, Point to Point ) (SFP not present for specific customer ap ant Double loop, Point to Point ) (SFP not present for specific customer application) CAN / 单模光纤 - 转换器( Point ) (SFP not present for specific customer application) CAN / 单模光纤 - 转换器( 菊花链 光纤 链接s allowed: 多-drop, redund for specific customer application) CAN / 单模光纤 - 转换器( 菊花链 光纤 链接s allowed: 多-drop, redundant Doubl plication) CAN / 单模光纤 - 转换器( 菊花链 光纤 链接s allowed: 多-drop, redundant Doubl 模光纤 - 转换器( 菊花链 光纤 链接s allowed: 多-drop, redundant Doubl 菊花链 光纤 链接s allowed: 多-drop, redundant Doubl allowed: 多-drop, redundant Doubl ant Doubl | | xGate | | HD67598 | |0003| | PXO_4248 | 3415.00~3554.00 电话传真下单 邮件下单 自助下单 | thernet / Single-Mode Op tic Fiber - Converter( Daisy chain fiber connectio isy chain fiber connections allowed: Multi-drop, redundant Double loop, Poi ns allowed: Multi-drop, redundant Double loop, Point to Point ) (SFP not present for specific custom edundant Double loop, Point to Point ) (SFP not present for specific customer application) 以太网 / 单模光纤 - nt to Point ) (SFP not present for specific customer application) 以太网 / 单模光纤 - 转换器( 菊花链 光纤 链接s allowed: 多-dr esent for specific customer application) 以太网 / 单模光纤 - 转换器( 菊花链 光纤 链接s allowed: 多-drop, redundant D er application) 以太网 / 单模光纤 - 转换器( 菊花链 光纤 链接s allowed: 多-drop, redundant D 太网 / 单模光纤 - 转换器( 菊花链 光纤 链接s allowed: 多-drop, redundant D 换器( 菊花链 光纤 链接s allowed: 多-drop, redundant D 链接s allowed: 多-drop, redundant D op, redundant D | | xGate | | HD67599 | |0003| | PXO_4249 | 3415.00~3554.00 电话传真下单 邮件下单 自助下单 | ACnet IP Master / Modbus Slave - Converter( Housing type: A, Terminal Block g type: A, Terminal Blocks Connectors - Modbus on RS232 ) BACnet IP s Connectors - Modbus on RS232 ) BACnet IP 主站/ Modbus 从站- 转换器( 外壳类型: A, RS232 ) BACnet IP 主站/ Modbus 从站- 转换器( 外壳类型: A, 终端连接端子 - Modbus on RS232 ) 站/ Modbus 从站- 转换器( 外壳类型: A, 终端连接端子 - Modbus on RS232 ) 换器( 外壳类型: A, 终端连接端子 - Modbus on RS232 ) 终端连接端子 - Modbus on RS232 ) us on RS232 ) | | xGate | | HD67600 | |0003| | PXO_4250 | 3415.00~3554.00 电话传真下单 邮件下单 自助下单 | ACnet IP Master / Modbus Slave - Converter( Housing type: A, Terminal Block g type: A, Terminal Blocks Connectors - Modbus on RS485 ) BACnet IP s Connectors - Modbus on RS485 ) BACnet IP 主站/ Modbus 从站- 转换器( 外壳类型: A, RS485 ) BACnet IP 主站/ Modbus 从站- 转换器( 外壳类型: A, 终端连接端子 - Modbus on RS485 ) 站/ Modbus 从站- 转换器( 外壳类型: A, 终端连接端子 - Modbus on RS485 ) 换器( 外壳类型: A, 终端连接端子 - Modbus on RS485 ) 终端连接端子 - Modbus on RS485 ) us on RS485 ) | | xGate | | HD67601 | |0003| | PXO_4251 | 3415.00~3554.00 电话传真下单 邮件下单 自助下单 | ACnet MSTP Master / Modbu s Slave - Converter( Housing type: A, Terminal Blo ing type: A, Terminal Blocks Connectors - Modbus on RS232 ) BACnet MS cks Connectors - Modbus on RS232 ) BACnet MSTP 主站/ Modbus 从站- 转换器( 外壳类型: n RS232 ) BACnet MSTP 主站/ Modbus 从站- 转换器( 外壳类型: A, 终端连接端子 - Modbus on RS232 ) TP 主站/ Modbus 从站- 转换器( 外壳类型: A, 终端连接端子 - Modbus on RS232 ) 转换器( 外壳类型: A, 终端连接端子 - Modbus on RS232 ) A, 终端连接端子 - Modbus on RS232 ) Modbus on RS232 ) | | xGate | | HD67602 | |0003| | PXO_4252 | 3415.00~3554.00 电话传真下单 邮件下单 自助下单 | ACnet MSTP Master / Modbu s Slave - Converter( Housing type: A, Terminal Blo ing type: A, Terminal Blocks Connectors - Modbus on RS485 ) BACnet M cks Connectors - Modbus on RS485 ) BACnet MSTP 主站/ Modbus 从站- 转换器( 外壳类型 n RS485 ) BACnet MSTP 主站/ Modbus 从站- 转换器( 外壳类型: A, 终端连接端子 - Modbus on RS485 ) STP 主站/ Modbus 从站- 转换器( 外壳类型: A, 终端连接端子 - Modbus on RS485 ) - 转换器( 外壳类型: A, 终端连接端子 - Modbus on RS485 ) : A, 终端连接端子 - Modbus on RS485 ) Modbus on RS485 ) | | xGate | | HD67603 | |0003| | PXO_4253 | 3415.00~3554.00 电话传真下单 邮件下单 自助下单 | ACnet PTP Master / Modbus Slave - Converter( Housing type: A, Terminal Bloc ng type: A, Terminal Blocks Connectors - Modbus on RS485 ) BACnet PTP ks Connectors - Modbus on RS485 ) BACnet PTP 主站/ Modbus 从站- 转换器( 外壳类型: A RS485 ) BACnet PTP 主站/ Modbus 从站- 转换器( 外壳类型: A, 终端连接端子 - Modbus on RS485 ) 主站/ Modbus 从站- 转换器( 外壳类型: A, 终端连接端子 - Modbus on RS485 ) 换器( 外壳类型: A, 终端连接端子 - Modbus on RS485 ) , 终端连接端子 - Modbus on RS485 ) dbus on RS485 ) | | xGate | | HD67604 | |0003| | PXO_4254 | 3415.00~3554.00 电话传真下单 邮件下单 自助下单 | ACnet PTP Master / Modbus Slave - Converter( Housing type: B, Terminal Bloc ng type: B, Terminal Blocks Connectors - Modbus on RS485 ) BACnet PTP ks Connectors - Modbus on RS485 ) BACnet PTP 主站/ Modbus 从站- 转换器( 外壳类型: B RS485 ) BACnet PTP 主站/ Modbus 从站- 转换器( 外壳类型: B, 终端连接端子 - Modbus on RS485 ) 主站/ Modbus 从站- 转换器( 外壳类型: B, 终端连接端子 - Modbus on RS485 ) 换器( 外壳类型: B, 终端连接端子 - Modbus on RS485 ) , 终端连接端子 - Modbus on RS485 ) dbus on RS485 ) | | xGate | | HD67605 | |0003| | PXO_4255 | 3415.00~3554.00 电话传真下单 邮件下单 自助下单 | ACnet IP Master / Modbus TCP Slave( Housing type: A, Terminal Blocks Connec A, Terminal Blocks Connectors ) BACnet IP 主站/ Modbus TCP 从站( tors ) BACnet IP 主站/ Modbus TCP 从站( 外壳类型: A, 终端连接端子 ) 站/ Modbus TCP 从站( 外壳类型: A, 终端连接端子 ) 外壳类型: A, 终端连接端子 ) 接端子 ) | | xGate | | HD67606 | |0003| | PXO_4256 | 3415.00~3554.00 电话传真下单 邮件下单 自助下单 | ACnet MSTP Master / Modbu s TCP Slave( Housing type: A, Terminal Blocks Conn : A, Terminal Blocks Connectors ) BACnet MSTP 主站/ Modbus TCP 从 ectors ) BACnet MSTP 主站/ Modbus TCP 从站( 外壳类型: A, 终端连接端子 ) P 主站/ Modbus TCP 从站( 外壳类型: A, 终端连接端子 ) ( 外壳类型: A, 终端连接端子 ) 连接端子 ) | | xGate | | HD67607 | |0003| | PXO_4257 | 3415.00~3554.00 电话传真下单 邮件下单 自助下单 | ACnet MSTP Master / Modbu s TCP Slave( Housing type: B, Terminal Blocks Conn : B, Terminal Blocks Connectors ) BACnet MSTP 主站/ Modbus TCP 从 ectors ) BACnet MSTP 主站/ Modbus TCP 从站( 外壳类型: B, 终端连接端子 ) P 主站/ Modbus TCP 从站( 外壳类型: B, 终端连接端子 ) ( 外壳类型: B, 终端连接端子 ) 连接端子 ) | | xGate | | HD67608 | |0003| | PXO_4258 | 3415.00~3554.00 电话传真下单 邮件下单 自助下单 | ACnet PTP Master / Modbus TCP Slave( Housing type: A, Terminal Blocks Conne A, Terminal Blocks Connectors ) BACnet PTP 主站/ Modbus TCP 从站 ctors ) BACnet PTP 主站/ Modbus TCP 从站( 外壳类型: A, 终端连接端子 ) 主站/ Modbus TCP 从站( 外壳类型: A, 终端连接端子 ) ( 外壳类型: A, 终端连接端子 ) 连接端子 ) | | xGate | | HD67609 | |0003| | PXO_4259 | 3415.00~3554.00 电话传真下单 邮件下单 自助下单 | ACnet PTP Master / Modbu s TCP Slave( Housing type: B, Terminal Blocks Conn : B, Terminal Blocks Connectors ) BACnet PTP 主站 / Modbus TCP 从 ectors ) BACnet PTP 主站 / Modbus TCP 从站( 外壳类型: B, 终端连接端子 ) 主站 / Modbus TCP 从站( 外壳类型: B, 终端连接端子 ) ( 外壳类型: B, 终端连接端子 ) 连接端子 ) | | xGate | | HD67610 | |0003| | PXO_4260 | 4557.00~4743.00 电话传真下单 邮件下单 自助下单 | ACnet IP Master / PROFIBU S Slave( Housing type: A, Terminal Blocks Connecto Terminal Blocks Connectors ) BACnet IP 主站/ PROFIBUS 从站( 外 rs ) BACnet IP 主站/ PROFIBUS 从站( 外壳类型: A, 终端连接端子 ) / PROFIBUS 从站( 外壳类型: A, 终端连接端子 ) 类型: A, 终端连接端子 ) 端子 ) | | xGate | | HD67611 | |0003| | PXO_4261 | 4557.00~4743.00 电话传真下单 邮件下单 自助下单 | ACnet MSTP Master / PROFI BUS Slave( Housing type: A, Terminal Blocks Connec A, Terminal Blocks Connectors ) BACnet MSTP 主站/ PROFIBUS 从站( tors ) BACnet MSTP 主站/ PROFIBUS 从站( 外壳类型: A, 终端连接端子 ) 主站/ PROFIBUS 从站( 外壳类型: A, 终端连接端子 ) 外壳类型: A, 终端连接端子 ) 接端子 ) | | xGate | | HD67612 | |0003| |