
Shanghai Passiontech Tech, 021-51870017, sales@51Lm.cn



型号: PXF1045

简介:For your laptop with PCMCIA/PC-card type II interface, the LAPcan series is an excellent choice. The design with the CAN driver in an external dongle, the DRVcan, has shown to be a very flexible solution, allowing you to chose between a multitude of physical CAN standards. EAN EAN Product No. Channels Temp. Range Galvanic Isolation Auto Transmit
10002-2 1 0 - +55 - -
10009-1 1 0 - +55 - -
10001-5 1 0 - +55 - -
10007-7 1 0 - +55 -
00299-9 1 0 - +55 - -
00298-2 1 0 - +55 - -
00300-2 1 0 - +55 -
10006-0 1 0 - +55 - -
00029-2 0 0 - +55 - -


Kvaser的 DRVcan套件是一个兼容的线缆, is a combined cable, 其是连接到LAPCAN和LAPCANII上的。连接or and CAN bus driver for the LAPcan / LAPcan II PCMCIA CAN interface. The DRVcans are inter改变able and designed for maximum flexibility and maintainability.




  • DRVcan 251 and DRVcan 1050 are for normal, high-speed ISO 11898 CAN bus systems. 适合于高速ISO11898的CAN总线系统

  • DRVcan Dnopto is also intended for normal, high-speed ISO 11898 CAN bus systems but is equipped with optocouplers.

  • DRVcan 1053 and DRVcan 1054 are for fault-tolerant CAN buses (sometimes called "low-speed CAN") 低速CAN容错CAN

  • DRVcan Fi employs optical fiber and is used for special applications. Different physical layers are supported through different product versions.  光纤信号

  • DRVcan TnT is used with Truck and Trailers, ISO 11992-1 ,ISO11992-1的卡车等

  • DRVcan S is used with Single-Wire CAN (SAE J2411, GMLAN)  单线CAN

  • DRVlin is used with the LIN bus. Please note that not note that not all applications listed under Application Support for LAPcan/LAPcan II support the DRVlin.

url: http://www.51lm.cn/p/templates/cn/show.php?cid=905&aid=1045


电话400-878-1895, 传真:021-51561359 邮箱:sales@51LM.cn
sales@51LM.cn 上海徐汇区斜土路2601号嘉汇广场T1-11B