
Shanghai Passiontech Tech, 021-51870017, sales@51Lm.cn



型号: PXF1864

简介:The Thermo-Scan provides 14 inputs for 连接ion of NiCr-Ni thermocouples (type K). Due to digital alignment and linearization with online cold junction compensation. Thermo-Scan achieves a typical measurement accuracy of +- 1 C throughout the entire measurement range from -100 C up to +1372 C. A broken senson 连接ion is automatically recognized and shown on the display. Approx. every 100 ms the...
品牌 tke tke

The Thermo-Scan provides 14 inputs for 连接ion of NiCr-Ni thermocouples (type K). Due to digital alignment and linearization with online cold junction compensation. Thermo-Scan achieves a typical measurement accuracy of +- 1 C throughout the entire measurement range from -100 C up to +1372 C. A broken senson 连接ion is automatically recognized and shown on the display. Approx. every 100 ms the temerature values are updated.

url: http://www.51lm.cn/p/templates/cn/show.php?cid=905&aid=1864


电话400-878-1895, 传真:021-51561359 邮箱:sales@51LM.cn
sales@51LM.cn 上海徐汇区斜土路2601号嘉汇广场T1-11B