
Shanghai Passiontech Tech, 021-51870017, sales@51Lm.cn



型号: PXF0871

简介:FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)> CANopen Device Manager[Number of FAQs 4] 1. Why do I get an error message when I start the CANopen Device Manager 3.0? 2. Where do I find the current CodeMeter Runtime-Kit version? 3. Why the CANopen Device Manager V3.0.0.645 does not find a slave with the ScanNetwork? ...
品牌 ixxat ixxat

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

> CANopen Device Manager
[Number of FAQs 4]

1. Why do I get an error message when I start the CANopen Device Manager 3.0?
2. Where do I find the current CodeMeter Runtime-Kit version?
3. Why the CANopen Device Manager V3.0.0.645 does not find a slave with the ScanNetwork?
4. Why do I get an E_TYPECASTINVALID (0x100000009) error using the sdoWrite function of the Python scripting engine?


1. Why do I get an error message when I start the CANopen Device Manager 3.0?
The error message
“One of the required assemblies was not found. The application can not be executed. Missing assembly:”
reports that no driver is installed. Please install the VCI V3.

2. Where do I find the current CodeMeter Runtime-Kit version?
http://wibu.com/download_user.php?lang=en top

3. Why the CANopen Device Manager V3.0.0.645 does not find a slave with the ScanNetwork?
  • Please 增加 the „SDO time out“ value via „Tools->Options“ for the excluding of an SDO time out.
  • Please ensure that each PDO has got mapping objects. A PDO that has only parameter objects causes an abort of the scan.

4. Why do I get an E_TYPECASTINVALID (0x100000009) error using the sdoWrite function of the Python scripting engine?
The problem can occur if python chooses an unsuitable type of data when it converts the data from a python to a .NET type.

Please enforce the correct type for the passed data as follows:

error = sdoWrite(nodeId, sdoChannel, index, subIndex, data & 0xFFFFFFFFL, DT_UNSIGNED32)

url: http://www.51lm.cn/p/templates/cn/show.php?cid=905&aid=871


电话400-878-1895, 传真:021-51561359 邮箱:sales@51LM.cn
sales@51LM.cn 上海徐汇区斜土路2601号嘉汇广场T1-11B