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关键词: J1939,Stack

简介:J1939 StacksThough its distributor relationship with Kvaser in Sweden, Warwick Control has developed J1939 software library in the UK with Kvaser. Kvaser Hardware is also distributed in the UK by Warwick Control.SAE J1939 Stack OverviewThe J1939 Protocol Stack for embedded systems is a complete implementation of the SAE J1939 protocol. It has been thoroughly tested and it is in use today in many h...
品 牌 葩星 葩星
产 地 中国
型 号 PXF0654
折 扣 其他电询


黄工-工业总线-工业自动化-实时仿真 ID:2937





赵工-总线系统-嵌入式系统-工业自动化 ID:2940






J1939 Stacks

Truck 2 Trans 40 copy

Though its distributor relationship with Kvaser in Sweden, Warwick Control has developed J1939 software library in the UK with Kvaser. Kvaser Hardware is also distributed in the UK by Warwick Control.

SAE J1939 Stack Overview

The J1939 Protocol Stack for embedded systems is a complete implementation of the SAE J1939 protocol. It has been thoroughly tested and it is in use today in many heavy-duty automotive and industrial applications and commercial real-time operating systems. By Handling the low-level details of J1939 network communication, the Protocol Stack allows the developer to focus solely on implementing the application.

Hardware Abstraction Layers (HAL)
Reduce Time and Expense of your J1939 implementation
SAE J1939 Stack OverviewThe J1939 Protocol Stack for embedded systems is a complete implementation of the SAE J1939 protocol. It has been thoroughly tested and it is in use today in many heavy-duty automotive and industrial applications and commercial real-time operating systems. By Handling the low-level details of J1939 network communication, the Protocol Stack allows the developer to focus solely on implementing the application.HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer)Hardware Abstraction Layers (HALs) are available to purchase separately for many microcontrollers and CAN controllers. HALs can be custom developed by Warwick Control.
The stack’s functionality can be grouped into two major areas: · Address Claim and· Transport Protocol processing. These areas are common for all J1939 applications. (a pdf version is available, click on the diagrams below)

j1939a                   j1939b

价格列表: J1939_Stack_源代码_WarwickJ1939,Stack
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相关产品: J1939_Stack_源代码_WarwickJ1939,Stack
