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简介:汽车诊断示波器附件 下面是为汽车诊断示波器配套的附件,当然也适用于其它示波器。点击产品名称和小图,进入详细说明: 附件目录 CAN总线测试盒 大海豚/短嘴鳄鱼夹子 (TA005) 万用表探头 (TA001) ...
Made In
Modle PXF1014
PassionTech Ord OrderNum Product Name Price RMB Brand  
PXO_0581TA101500 MHz passive X10 probe, tuned for 6402, 64031805~1995pico
PXO_0582TA150350 MHz passive X10 probe, tuned for 6402A/B, 6403A/B1805~1995pico
PXO_0583TA133500 MHz passive X10 probe, tuned for 6404, 6404A/B1805~1995pico
PXO_0584TA065Probe accessory kit - advanced570~630pico
PXO_0585TA066Probe accessory kit - Basic190~210pico
PXO_0586TA067Probe accessory kit - Standard314~347pico
PXO_0591TA077Attenuator 3dB 50R SMA to SMA418~462pico
PXO_0592TA078Attenuator 6dB 50R SMA to SMA418~462pico
PXO_0593TA140Attenuator 10dB 50R SMA to SMA418~462pico
PXO_0594TA141Attenuator 20dB 50R SMA to SMA418~462pico
PXO_0595TA0792-way Power splitter SMA, 4200MHz1805~1995pico
PXO_0596TA12051.8 Mb/s Reference receiver filter1188~1313pico
PXO_0597TA121155 Mb/s Reference receiver filter1188~1313pico
PXO_0598TA122622 Mb/s Reference receiver filter1188~1313pico
PXO_0599TA1231.25 Gb/s Reference receiver filter1188~1313pico
PXO_0600TA1242.488 Gb/s and 2.5 Gb/s reference receiver filter1188~1313pico
PXO_0601TA061Oscilloscope probe 1.5GHz, x10, 50 ohm, SMA2850~3150pico


下面是为汽车诊断示波器配套的附件,当然也适用于其它示波器。点击产品名称和小图,进入详细说明: 附件目录


CAN test box



CAN总线测试盒 大海豚/短嘴鳄鱼夹子 (TA005) 万用表探头 (TA001)




刺入夹子 (TA007) 母转公接头(TA016) BNC转4 mm接头 (MI078)


current clamp

PP264 current clamp

小鳄鱼/短嘴鳄鱼夹子 (TA003) 60 A 交直流电流钳 (PP218) 60 A 交直流电流钳 (PP264)

current clamp

600A current clamp

current clamp

600 A 交直流电流钳 (PP179) 600 A 交直流电流钳(PP266) 2000 A 交直流电流钳 (PP253)

COP extension lead

Coil On Plug probe

BNC cable

独立线圈点火(COP)延长线 (PP399) 独立点火(COP)探头 (PP338) BNC转BNC连接线(TA033)

inductive pickup


secondary ignition pickup

感应拾取夹子(TA032) 12-通道信号混合器 (PP361) 次级点火拾取夹子 (PP178)

pressure transducer

engine diagnostic sensor

breakout lead

WPS500X 压力变送器 FirstLook发动机诊断传感器(TA014) 2-插销汽车引出线 (TA012)


universal breakout lead

automotive test lead

20:1 衰减器 (PP198) 6-路通用引出线 汽车测试线(TA000和TA020)

fuse extension leads



ACE detective

保险延长线套件(PP408) S-钩 (MI168) ACE缺火探测
fault diagnosis book Auto-Solve automotive software CD automotive training cdroms


Auto-Solve诊断帮手CD-ROM (Ver 6.1版)

Nerdz汽车培训 CD-ROMs

Frank Massey training course scope probe

汽车电子诊断课程 CD-ROM

60 MHz示波器探头

刺针套装 (TA008)

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