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NicheStack TELNET-Server
简介:NicheStack TELNET-ServerThe TELNET-Server is an additional package forthe TCP/IP-protocol stacks (already included inNicheStack IPv4 and IPv6) and allows remote access or remote control of the device via a network. It is completely compatible with the standard TELNET-Clients contained, for example, in operating systems such as Windows.The TELNET-Server has a code size of approx. 32 kByte. Each TEL...
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NicheStack TELNET-Server

The TELNET-Server is an additional package for the TCP/IP-protocol stacks (already included in NicheStack IPv4 and IPv6) and allows remote access or remote control of the device via a network. It is completely compatible with the standard TELNET-Clients contained, for example, in operating systems such as Windows.

The TELNET-Server has a code size of approx. 32 kByte. Each TELNET-session requires an additional 3.5 kByte of RAM.

Specific Features

  • Connections: Supports several TELNET-sessions simultaneously
Supported RFCs

  • RFC 854 - TELNET Protocol
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