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关键词: MATLAB,磁悬浮控制系统,研究

简介:/* Generator: eWebEditor */p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {margin:0cm;margin-bottom:.0001pt;text-align:justify;text-justify:inter-ideograph;font-size:10.5pt;font-family:Calibri;}div.Section1 {page:Section1;}系统介绍磁悬浮系统是一个典型的非线性系统,当前绝大多数磁悬浮控制器都是基于非线性磁悬浮系统在某个平衡点的线性化模型而设计的...
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型 号 PXF0177
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Magnetic Levitation system is a typical nonlinear system. The current vast majority of controllers which belongs to nonlinear magnetic levitation system are based on a linear equilibrium model to design for the linear control law. When the equilibrium point of the system 改变s, the dynamic characteristics  of  the system will 改变 significantly.


Magnetic Levitation system uses electromagnetic force to control the suspended spatial position of the rigid body. Its working principle is to control the electric current of  Electromagnet windings to produce electromagnetic force which is equivalent to the  weight of the rigid body, making the rigid body suspended in stable equilibrium position. Due to the nonlinear inverse relationship between the electromagnetic force  and Suspended air , this balance is not stable.In the event of outside interference (such as voltage fluctuation or wind), rigid body will fall off or suck up.So it is necessary to implement closed-loop control.


With online access to the location position of the rigid body by the use of sensor signal, controller produce control signal through displacement signal processing.And the power amplifier  generate the required current according to control signals and sent to electromagnets which make  corresponding magnetic  to overcome gravity ,resulting in the stability  of rigid body  in the equilibrium point.


Magnetic Levitation system can avoid friction and wear between the object due to its non-contact characteristics. It can also extend the Service life of equipment and improve operating conditions of the equipment. So it has broad application prospects in the transportation, metallurgy, machinery, electrical, materials and 其他 aspects.










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Control object is a sphere made of ferromagnetic material. Ball height h (t), coil current i (t). Maglev kinetic equations and magnetic circuit voltage equations :




Where m is the ball quality, g is acceleration due to gravity, L is the coil inductance, R is the coil resistance, k is the coupling coefficient between magnetic field and the ball.The  System input is Coil voltage u (t), output  the height of the ball h (t).


When there is an appropriate distance between the ball and electromagnet, the magnetic attraction and gravity balanced. If the height of the ball drop too much, the force of magnetic field become weak leaving the ball drop. If the ball is too close to the the magnet ,magnetic field will be too strong and the ball will be pulled to the magnet, which will also undermine the stability of the system.


Assume that the expectation height of the ball is h。, the location known as the equilibrium point, where gravity and magnetic attraction are equal. So acceleration is zero, find the expectation current of maintaining this position. Namely,

方程(1)为非线性方程.将模型在平衡点附近线性化,产生一组线性方程 .为此引入状态变量:

Equation (1) is non-linear equation. Making the model is linearized around an equilibrium point, resulting in a set of linear equations. So introduct state variables:



The equation (1) becomes:


将方程(2)在工作点 , 处通过泰勒级数展开进行线性化,结果为:

The equation (2) unfold at the operating point , by the Taylor series expansion for linearization, the result is:




假设球的质量为01 kg,线圈的电阻为l0 ,线圈电感为100 mH,耦合系数为期望高度10 cm.在MATLAB中建立系统的状态空间模型MagLev

Assuming the quality of the ball is 0.1 kgresistance of the coil is 10Coil inductance is 100mh,Coupling coefficient is expected heigh is 10cm. Create the state space model of the system in MATLAB, MagLev.


Then find the system poles.


After linearization the pole of the suspension system is ± 14, the pole of the amplifier is -100.  Add a PD (proportional derivative) controller to stabilize the system. In theory ,transfer function of the PD controller theory can be written as follows:


Where  is the proportional gain, is differential gain. It is difficult to achieve differential control Since high-frequency noise. The role of the differential can be approximated in the practical application. Eliminating noise by filtering. The transfer function form of the actual controller:

传递函数等价于一个超前控制器,其零点的时间常数为,极点(滤波器)的时间常数为 ,可见零点比极点慢.选择控制器零点在系统第一个稳定极点的右侧,此处取-10,滤波器的时间常数为25 ms,极点为-40.控制器的传递函数为:

The transfer function is equivalent to a advanced controller.The time constant of the zero  is .The time constant of pole (filter) is .It can be seen clearly that zero is slower than the pole. Select the controller zero that is on the right of the first stable pole in the system, here takes it -10.The time constant of the filter is 25 ms, the pole is -40. Transfer function of controller is:


Then mapped system root locus.

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PD controller influence stability and transient characteristics of the system. But to improve the steady state performance of the system, PI (proportional integral) control system can be used. Transfer function of the PI controller:


Where there is a pole at the origin, A zero at the . If contrary to the oter pole-zero of the system 其他, zeros and poles of the Pl controller is in close location. When the PI controller and the PD controller are in series, the influence it caused to the transient performance of the system can be ignored.In this control system,we select .

Do MATLAB simulation for the closed-loop system of the magnetic levitation model (using PID controller)to acquire impulse response.

Simulation results are as follows:


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It can be seen by the the simulation results that magnetic levitation model will leave the equilibrium position by pulse interference. After the interference cancellation, it can return to its original position after a few times of the upper and lower reducted vibration in the equilibrium position.So the system is stable. The system automatically adjust speed faster, steady-state error smaller. The results show that the controller is effective.



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The simulation schematic of PID controller


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The paper establishes the mathematical model of maglev control system in which PID controller is designed for.And do the MATLAB simulation of the system, drawing its root locus curve and Bode diagram.Then analyzes the system stability. Simulation model is built based on  the transfer function.Observe the step response waveform in the oscilloscope. Adjusting the PID parameters appropriately  to achieve good dynamic performance of the system.



 maglev  MATLAB   stability  simulink


免责声明/版权申明 Passiontech






价格列表: 基于MATLAB的磁悬浮控制系统的研究MATLAB,磁悬浮控制系统,研究
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相关产品: 基于MATLAB的磁悬浮控制系统的研究MATLAB,磁悬浮控制系统,研究

