1. New Version of the BootManager / Loader
There is a so-called BootManager or Loader in the flash on the iPC-I 165 ISA/PCI card Which serves to load of firmware. In the version delivered up to now the user stack was initialized with a size of 64 bytes only. The new version of the BootManager / Loader initializes the user stack with 256 bytes.
The new version is absolutely required for the VCI V2!
If you have bought the iPC-I 165 ISA/PCI after the 2001-06-11, your card has already the new version.
There are different BootManagers / Loaders for ISA and PCI version. The hardware version numbers of the iPC-I 165 with the new BootManagers / Loaders are:
For the iPC-I 165/ISA: 2.10
For the iPC-I 165/PCI: 1.30
You can check the version number of the BootManager / Loader with already installed VCI V2 as follows:
If you have an old version of the BootManager / Loader, then you will get the following error message:
You can update the BootManger / Loader using a FlashUpdate program.
You can download this program here:
Download FlashUpdate.exe 744 kB [ click here ]
Follow these instructions to update the BootManager / Loader:
2. Possible problem in combination with VCI V1.15/V1.17 ("ID 219" - Problem)
In combination with the VCI 1.15 and VCI 1.17 (all operating system versions) it is possible in certain situations that the Identifier 219hex is not received at all by the iPC-I 165 ISA / PCI.
With VCI version 2.0 and higher this problem does not appear. Other CAN interface types are also not concerned by this problem.
For the VCI version 1.x is a newer version (1.18) is in preparation.