

Dates / Registration


EtherNet/IP Seminar

Two Day Seminar for Developers and Decision-makers

EtherNet/IP extends commercial off-the-shelf Ethernet to the Common Industrial Protocol (CIP) - the same upper-layer protocol and object model found in DeviceNet. CIP allows to apply the same objects and profiles for DeviceNet and EtherNet/IP plug-and-play interoperability among devices from multiple vendors and in multiple sub-nets. Combined, DeviceNet and EtherNet/IP promote transparency from sensors to the enterprise software.

Target Group and Objectives
The seminar aims at putting the participants in a position to assess the potential of EtherNet/IP and to implement EtherNet/IP in their own devices. It is intended in particular for developers and system designers who want a solid introduction to this technology.

Seminar times
1. Day: 9:00 - 17:30
2. Day: 8:30 - 16:00


Introduction to CIP and overview of the implementations of CIP: DeviceNet, ControlNet, EtherNet/IP; Producer-Consumer-Model and common basics of CIP

2. CIP Application Model with Object Model, Object Library and Device Profiles; Overview of the most common objects used in CIP

3. CIP Communication Model with Message Types, Explicit Messaging and I/O Messaging; Segment Encoding and Message Format; Connected and Unconnected Message Transports; Connection Establishment

4. CIP Device Configuration showing basic methods with Electronic Data Sheet, Parameter Object and Configuration Assembly

5. Introduction to EtherNet/IP as CIP over Ethernet and TCP/IP

6. EtherNet/IP Messaging using Encapsulation Protocol and Common Packet Format; Mapping of Explicit and I/O Messages to TCP/IP and UDP/IP; Connection Establishment using Connection Manager Object; CIP Transport Classes

7. EtherNet/IP Object Library with TCP/IP Interface Object and Ethernet Link Object

8. EtherNet/IP Physical Layer with requirements for Industrial Ethernet, Media Attachment, Indicators and Switches

9. Recommended Functionality for EtherNet/IP Devices; Demonstration of an EtherNet/IP system