

Dates / Registration


Real-time Ethernet – Introduction, Protocols and Implementation

One day seminar for developers and decision-makers

Due to the increesing number of Ethernet based field bus protocols it is getting more and more difficult for the user to select a suitable protocol for its specific field of application.
Besides functional criteria, e.g. the level of real-time capability, modeling of process and parameter data as well as data transmission functions, also implementation options, extendability, flexibility and popularity are essential criteria for the selection.

We introduce: EtherNet/IP, Profinet RT & IRT, POWERLINK, EtherCAT, and SERCOS III.

Target Group and Objectives

The seminar provides an introduction on basics, features and functionality as well as the implementation options of the currently most important industrial field bus protocols. Furthermore, the fields of application as well as the strong and weak points of the protocols are discussed.
With that system designers and developers can get a comprehensive and open-minded overview on the technologies in a compact form.

Seminar time
9:00 - 17:00


1. Real-Time Ethernet introduction: Introduction on the basic concepts and history; Fundamental features of deterministic data transmission systems

2. Overview and introduction on the protocols: Introduction on the most important Ethernet based protocols; Illustration of the functional principle of EtherNet/IP, Profinet RT & IRT, POWERLINK, EtherCAT and SERCOS III

3. Fields of application and features: Introduction on the typical areas of application as well as the important features of the selected protocols

4. Possibilities of implementation: Overview on the most important implementation options with software and hardware solutions for I/O devices and controllers for  the selected protocols