

Overview and References

Configuration and test tools

We develop Windows-based tools according to customers' requirements for configuration, test and maintainance of communication systems such as CAN, CANopen, Powerlink and FlexRay. The developments are based on our standard tools, which already provide relevant programming interfaces for custom-specific extensions.

Example projects:

Parameterizing and service tool for coffee makers
A CANopen-based communication system was specified and implemented for a manufacturer of coffee making machines for the hotel and catering industry that provides high modularity with regard to the components. Due to the high modularity and the large number of parameters, a Windows-based tool was then developed that allows easy parameterisation of the coffee machine and convenient service. In addition to scripting technology for the definition of tests, it also contains a management system for test scripts and the configuration data of the individual coffee machines.

Picture - Parameterizing and service tool for coffee makers