


关键词: Kvaser,LAPcan

简介:The Kvaser LAPcan 产品描述:EAN Number: 73-30130-00029-2The Kvaser LAPcan is a two channel CAN interface for the PC card (PCMCIA) bus with two Philips SJA1000 CAN controllers. The CAN transceivers are built into the interface cables.The Kvaser LAPcan is a two channel CAN interface for the PC card (PCMCIA) bus with two Philips SJA1000 CAN controllers. The CAN transceivers are...
品 牌
产 地
型 号 PXF1043
折 扣 6个以上折扣3%

The Kvaser LAPcan


EAN Number: 73-30130-00029-2

The Kvaser LAPcan is a two channel CAN interface for the PC card (PCMCIA) bus with two Philips SJA1000 CAN controllers. The CAN transceivers are built into the interface cables.
The Kvaser LAPcan is a two channel CAN interface for the PC card (PCMCIA) bus with two Philips SJA1000 CAN controllers. The CAN transceivers are built into the interface cables.


  • Quick and easy plug-and-play installation
  • The CAN drivers (DRVcans) are exchangeable; see below
  • Physical layer depends on the DRVcan type
  • Ultrasonically welded card frame
  • Supports both 11-bit (CAN 2.0A) and 29-bit (CAN 2.0B active) identifiers
  • The on-board firmware will auto-detect the type of DRVcan
  • Driver support for major operating systems
  • PC card (PCMCIA) type II, on-board C161 16-bit microcontroller
  • Large on-board RAM buffer for CAN messages
  • Supports "listen-only" mode for analyzing tools

The information herein is subject to change without notice.
Galvanic Isolation No
Bitrate 5-1000 kbit/s
Silent mode Yes
Error frame generation Yes
Error frame detection Yes
Weight 50 g
Timestamp resolution 8
On board buffer Yes
Maximum message rate, send 0
Maximum message rate, receive 0
Sound No
Clock synchronization N/A
Dimensions (WxLxH) 85x54x5 mm (3.3x2.1x0.2in.)

Kvaser Drivers for Windows
Kvaser_drivers_setup.exe (Version V4.9.0)
Windows drivers for all our CAN hardware. Please check release notes for information on which Windows versions are supported. It also contain a driver for the virtual CAN bus.
Release Notes


Kvaser DIADEM driver
Kvaserdiadem.zip (Version 1.0.0)
This free driver for National Instrument's DIAdem supports all CAN hardware from Kvaser.


Kvaser LAPcan / LAPcan II Users Guide
UG_98042_lapcan_userguide.pdf (Version V3.1.0)
Kvaser LAPcan / LAPcan II Hardware Guide


Development Kits and Tools
Kvaser CANKing
Kvaser_canking_setup.exe (Version V5.3.889)
A free of charge, general-purpose CAN bus monitor. Works with all CAN interfaces from Kvaser. Windows 2000 or later is recommended but Windows 98 should also work.
Release Notes


XTM, Free LIN Viewer
xtmlin.zip (Version V3.8sr5)
A free of charge LIN bus viewer. Works with Kvaser Leaf Professional LIN, and/or Kvaser LAPcan + DRVLIN.


cleanup.EXE (Version V3.9c)
Driver removal program. This program will remove the CAN driver (version 3.9 or older) from your computer. This program will not work with driver 4.0 or later. Use it only if you need to remove an old version of the driver from your computer.


Remove old drivers
cleanup_vector.exe (Version V3.9c)
Driver removal program. This program will remove the CAN driver (version 3.2 or older) from your computer. This is a version intended for those who have installed CANLIB 3.2 or older. Use it only if you need to remove an old version of the driver from you


Kvaser CANlib SDK
canlib.exe (Version V4.9)
Software development kit - everything you need to develop software for the Kvaser CAN and LIN interfaces. Link libraries, header files, sample programs, Microsoft Visual Basic and Borland Delphi components, documentation, and more. Note: you need to downl
Release Notes


Kvaser LabView VI Library for CAN
kvCanVi.zip (Version V6.1.0)
Library for National Instrument's LabView version for all Kvaser CAN hardware.


Kvaser LabView VI Library for LIN
kvlinvi.zip (Version 1.0.0)
Library for National Instrument's LabView for all Kvaser LIN hardware.


Kvaser Software
cleanup.EXE (Version V3.9c)
Driver removal program. This program will remove the CAN driver (version 3.9 or older) from your computer. This program will not work with driver 4.0 or later. Use it only if you need to remove an old version of the driver from your computer.


Kvaser CANKing
Kvaser_canking_setup.exe (Version V5.3.889)
A free of charge, general-purpose CAN bus monitor. Works with all CAN interfaces from Kvaser. Windows 2000 or later is recommended but Windows 98 should also work.
Release Notes


Remove old drivers
cleanup_vector.exe (Version V3.9c)
Driver removal program. This program will remove the CAN driver (version 3.2 or older) from your computer. This is a version intended for those who have installed CANLIB 3.2 or older. Use it only if you need to remove an old version of the driver from you