简介:网关 / Bridge NMEA2000 The NMEA2000 gateways allow to convert very easily the NMEA2000 devices to Modbus, to ModbusTCP, to PROFIBUS, to DeviceNet, to CANopen, and also to Ethernet (opening a simple 连接ion). So it is possible to 连接 the NMEA2000 devices to PLC or PC or HMI or Joystick or 其他, more precisely: ...
The NMEA2000 gateways allow to convert very easily the NMEA2000 devices to Modbus, to ModbusTCP, to Profibus, to devicenet, to CANOpen, and also to Ethernet (opening a simple 连接ion).
So it is possible to 连接 the NMEA2000 devices to PLC or PC or HMI or Joystick or 其他, more precisely:
NMEA2000 from/to modbus using the xgate-HD67222 serie.
NMEA2000 from/to Modbus TCP using the xgate-HD67225 serie.
NMEA2000 from/to Ethernet using the xGate-HD67223 serie.
NMEA2000 from/to CANOpen using the xgate-HD67250 serie.
NMEA2000 from/to devicenet using the xGate-HD67251 serie.
NMEA2000 from/to profibus using the xGate-HD67252.
All the converters are galvanic isolated and are particularly robust to temperature excursion.
It is possible to choice, between different housing types and different 连接ions types.
Price info
Series NMEA 2000 from/to modbus, Choice between different housing and 连接器