CANtrace PC. This software is an economical solution for CAN-bus analysis. CANtrace is very suitable tool for service and support personnel. CANtracePC supports CastorCAN, CastorUSB or any kvaser, Vector, or PEAK hardware as interface to the CAN-bus. CANtrace is an easy-to-use software for monitoring, sending and logging CAN-messages. CANtrace has also got a database-support so databases with .dbc format can be used to show signals with engineering units. A more graphical presentation is also possible when database(s) are 连接ed. An X-Y plotter shows signals in more graphical way. Logfiles made with CANtrace are supported by Vector-tools (CANalyzer/CANoe) for further and deeper analysis if needed. Higher layer protocols (eg. j1939 and CANOpen) are supported.
CANtrace PC主要特性
- Trace messages,记录消息
- Send messages,发送消息
- Logging Functions,记录功能
- Works with 11 and 29 bit identifiers,支持CAN标准帧和扩展帧
- Works with bus-speeds up to 1 Mbit/s,最高总线速率1Mbits
- Supports Castor, kvaser, PEAK and Vector, hardware,支持多种硬件
- Easy setup
- Multiple Database support,多种数据库支持
- Data Window using Database(s)
- Graph Window using Database(s)
- j1939 support,支持J1939
- CANOpen scanner,支持CANOpen
- Bus statistics (busload, peakload, nr. of frames etc...)
- Replay-function