简介:Converter Modbus TCP from/to Modbus The Xgate-HD67507is a "Slave (server)" from the side Ethernet and is "Master" from the side Rs232/Rs485. So, you can connect a"Master (Client)" Modbus TCPwith one or more"slaves" Modbus RTUin order to exchange information between the Modbus TCP master and the Mod...
The xgate-HD67507 is a "Slave (server)" from the side Ethernet and is "Master" from the side Rs232/Rs485.
So, you can connect a "Master (Client)" Modbus TCP with one or more"slaves" Modbus RTU in order to exchange information between the Modbus TCP master and the Modbus slaves.
It is able to manage up tp 10 simultaneous connections from Ethernetside.
It is available in two order codes: the xgate-HD67507-A1 and the xGate-HD67507-B2 (different for types of housing).
The HD67508 allows you to connect some Slaves Modbus RTU to a Master Modbus TCP over Ethernet .
The device differs from HD67507 because he have 2 LAN ports , which allows the Ethernet connection in series of several Ethernet devices.
This system is an excellent field of use in systems of Industrial Automation (IAS) or inside of the Building Management Systems (BMS).
The HD67510 is a "Slave" from the side Rs232/Rs485 and is "Master (client) from the sideEthernet.
So you can connect a "Master" modbus RTU with one or more "slaves (servers)" Modbus TCP in order to exchange information between the Modbus master on a serial and the slaves on the Ethernet.
It is available in two order codes: the xgate-HD67510-A1, and the HD67510-B2 (different for types of housing).
- Low Cost
- Configuration immediate
- Galvanic isolation
- Designed for industrial and building automation
- Industrial temperature range
- DIN rail mounting
- Wide range of input power