

简介:RTOSWin/RTOSLin DetailsOverview Hardware (Devices and Memory) has to be divided between General Purpose OS (GPOS) and Realtime OS (RTOS): hardware partitioning. Hardware and/or Device sharing is not possible because this would lead to non-deterministic behavior. The GPOS (Windows or Linux) is booted first and controls its assigned ressources by its own drivers. ...
品 牌 ixxat ixxat
产 地 德国
型 号 PXF2612
折 扣 其他电询


RTOSWin/RTOSLin Details


  • Hardware (Devices and Memory) has to be divided between General Purpose OS (GPOS) and Realtime OS (RTOS): hardware partitioning. Hardware and/or Device sharing is not possible because this would lead to non-deterministic behavior.
  • The GPOS (Windows or Linux) is booted first and controls its assigned ressources by its own drivers.
  • Before a RTOS is loaded the Virtual Machine Framework (VMF) binary image has to be loaded and initialized.
  • The core component of the RTOS Virtual Machine Framework is the RTOS-VM Hypervisor which boots and controls the RTOS guests.
  • Each of those RTOSes is running within its own dedicated real-time Virtual Machine.
  • To achieve highest possible interrupt response, no virtualization of the interrupt controller and the timer is used: No additional software for interrupt handling compared to the native RTOS.
  • Ressources which are assigned to a specific RTOS are accessed by the original drivers included in the RTOS.
  • A well defined VMF API exists which provides an interface to the RTOS-VM Hypervisor as well as functions for communication, diagnosis and supervision of the RTOSes.
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