

NicheStack FTP


简介:NicheStack FTPFile Transfer ProtocolThe FTP-stack supplements the TCP/IP-protocol stacks by the client and server functions of the File Transfer Protocol FTP. FTP offers the user a standardized file exchange between two systems and checks the integrity of the data. The FTP add-on contains a FTP-Client as well as a FTP-Server.Specific Features Client/Server: the software module supports client and...
品 牌 ixxat ixxat
产 地 德国
型 号 PXF2878
折 扣 其他电询


NicheStack FTP

File Transfer Protocol

The FTP-stack supplements the TCP/IP-protocol stacks by the client and server functions of the File Transfer Protocol FTP. FTP offers the user a standardized file exchange between two systems and checks the integrity of the data. The FTP add-on contains a FTP-Client as well as a FTP-Server. 

NicheStack FTP - Overview

Specific Features

  • Client/Server: the software module supports client and server functionality

Supported RFCs

  • RFC 959 - File Transfer Protocol
参数资料: NicheStack FTP
  价格列表: NicheStack FTP
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  相关产品: NicheStack FTP

