FAQs: 硬件/驱动 > 通用 [Number of FAQs 11]
1. 我在哪里可以检查资源信息 (IRQ and Address)绑定我的 CAN 接口卡的资源?
In the ixxat Interfaces Applet (vci V2) in control panel:
If you double click on the CAN Interface board, the assigned IRQ and address will be displayed.
This IRQ and address should be confirm to the settings of the operating system.
Under Windows 9x/ME:
该设备中 manager:
Start | Settings | Control panel | System | Device manager | Ixxat CAN-Interfaces | CAN-Interface | Settings | Resources
Under Windows NT (Service Pack 5):
Start | Program | General administration | Windows NT Diagnose | Resources | IRQ / Address
Under Windows 2000 (Service Pack 1)/XP:
Start | Settings | Control panel | System | Hardware | Device manager | Ixxat CAN-Interfaces | CAN-Interface | Settings | Resources |
2. 在我的CAN接口卡上是否有终端?
There are no CAN termination resistors on our CAN interface boards (except for CANrepeater). But we can offer a 9 pin Sub-D 连接or with an implemented CAN termination resistor. |
3. 在哪里可以看到接收到的CAN报文的时间戳?
The microcontroller on the active CAN interface board generates the time stamp for the received CAN messages. On the passive CAN interface board the vci generates the time stamp for the received CAN messages. |
4. 为什么实用Intel 82527 Full CAN 控制器接受不到远程帧?
The Intel 82527 Full CAN Controller can not provide the received Remote-Frames transparent for the vci-Applikation (Limitation of the Intel Full CAN). |
5. The 为什么CAN接口卡在从睡眠状态(或者待机状态)回来后不能运行)
The active CAN Interfaces must be reinitialized after returning from the sleep mode (or hibernate mode) because the firmware is in it´s volatile memory and therefore not longer available after returning from the sleep mode.
6. I我在一个新的操作系统上安装了我的CAN卡,我需要做什么才可以用起我的CAN卡?
Please check if the CAN Interface is supported by this operating system. You can find the vci compatibility table in the support area on our web page. Download the VCI installation manual and the current VCI version from the download area on our web page and install the VCI as described in the VCI installation manual. Please note the installation tips on our web page in the support area. |
7. 常用的CAN的波特率: :
Bittiming register values for most used CAN-baudrates for CAN-Controller with 16 MHz clock frequence. (CIA unstandardized CAN-Baudrates)
(kBd) |
(hex) |
(hex) |
52 |
24 |
47,6 |
C6 |
EF |
47,6 |
C6 |
FE |
47,6 |
C7 |
CE |
62,5 |
C7 |
3A |
75 |
- |
- |
74 |
8B |
15 |
76 |
C6 |
39 |
83,3 |
85 |
2B |
95 |
85 |
47 |
111 |
45 |
18 |
The Values for the SJA1000 with 20 MHz clock frequence
(kBd) |
(hex) |
(hex) |
00 |
16 |
500 |
40 |
2F |
250 |
41 |
2F |
125 |
43 |
2F |
100 |
44 |
2F |
50 |
49 |
2F |
20 |
58 |
2F |
10 |
71 |
2F |
8. CAN接口板卡带隔离或者不带隔离,那个更适合我的网络?
A CAN interface board with galvanic 隔离is more noise immune and prevents mass grinding. The potential difference occurring because of the different power supplies for different CAN 节点 does not influence the transmission quality.
The galvanic 隔离reduces the maximal possible CAN bus length by approximately 10 meters. (The typical CAN signal delay of the galvanic 隔离is approximately 50ns).
Please note, that the CAN_GND wire has to be 连接ed even if a galvanic 隔离is used. |
9. 为什么我的CAN接口卡运行不正确?
Please fill out the problem report form completely
(Which CAN interface board, vci version, operating system etc. are used?)
and answer the following questions in the field „Detailed description of the problem“:
- Is the CAN interface boad supported under the used operating system with the used VCI version?
(see the VCI compatibility table in the support area on our webpage)
a) Please send us a screenshot of the list with installed ixxat software (see „Start | Control panel | Software | VCI version“)
- Are or were on the PC any older VCI versions, older cananalyser versions or older canopen Master API versions installed?
Please note:
a) The canAnalyser versions up to v1.71 installs the VCI v1 automatically.
b) The CANOpen Master API versions up to v2.2 installs the vci v1.
c) The VCI v1 and VCI v2 are incompatible. Please start the VCI-Cleaner after the deinstallation of the VCI V1 as described in the VCI update instructions in the VCI v2 installation manual.
(You can find the current VCI version, VCI-Cleaner, VCI installation manual in the support area on our webpage.)
- Is the CAN interface board successfully detected in the device manager?
Please send us a device manager screenshot with the opened „ixxat ...“ entry.
(see „Start | Control panel | System | Hardware | Device manager | Ixxat“ )
Please note:
a) If there is no „Ixxat CAN interfaces“ entry (for VCI v2) and no „ixxat VCI V3 interfaces“ entry (for VCI v3) in the device manager, please delete (uninstall) the „Unknown device“ entry from the device manager and check if the CAN interface board will be detected successfully after the PC reboot.
- If the CAN interface board is detected in the device manager with any ressource conflicts, please delete (uninstall) the CAN interface board entry and check if the problem still occurs after the hardware redetection after the PC reboot. If yes, please send us screenshots with ressource conflict description and ressource allocation.
(see „Start | Control panel | System | Hardware | Device manager | View | Ressources by type | Memory & E/A & IRQ“)
Please note:
a) For ISA slot boards the used IRQ has to be reserved in BIOS for ISA slot as described in the VCI installation manual.
- Does the CAN interface board run correctly with the Minimon?
Please select the correct CAN interface board in the Minimon, initialize the CAN interface board with the correct CAN baudrate and tell us if the CAN interface board could be initialized successfully and if it can transmit and receive CAN messages. If not, please send us the error screenshot.
Please note:
a) In the Minimon/32 (VCI V2) the CAN interface board has to be selected correctly before the start. Please click on the button „>“ and select the CAN interface board.
b) If the VCI V2 is used, please test the CAN interface board using the ixxat interfaces applet in the control panel and send us the screenshot of the test result.
- If the Minimon initialized the CAN interface board successfully, but it is not possible to transmit and receive CAN messages, please answer the question of the FAQ entry „Why doesn’t my CAN bus run correctly?“
- Does the CAN interface board run correctly on an其他 PC?
(If the CAN interface board runs correctly on an其他 PC, then a hardware problem can be excluded.)
- Does an其他 CAN interface board run correctly on the PC?
(If an其他 CAN interface board of the same type runs correctly on the PC, then the CAN interface board has to be sent for repair.)
- Please tell us the exact PC type.
(m其他board type, clock frequency, USB controller type, PCMCIA controller type...) (For this you can use Aida32, SiV (System Information Viewer) ect.)
- Is the USB/CAN interface board 连接ed directly or via an external USB Hub with an external power supply?
(Please tell us the USB Hub type if one is used.)
Which USB devices are 连接ed?
10. 为什么我的CAN网络运行不正确?
Please answer the following questions:
- Are all CAN 节点 连接ed correctly with each 其他?
a) Are the CAN cable and CAN 连接器 alright?
(You can find the CAN 连接or pin assignment in the support area on our webpage.)
b) Is the CAN cable shielded?
c) Is a standard CAN cable used?
d) Are CAN_H, CAN_L and CAN_GND of the CAN 节点 连接ed with each 其他?
- Is the CAN bus terminated with two CAN termination resistors?
- Is the maximal CAN bus length not exceeded?
- Are at least two CAN 节点 连接ed to the CAN bus?
Please note:
a) For CAN communication at least two CAN 节点 are required, because of the CAN acknowledgement.
b) CAN 节点 in „Listen Only“ mode do not send the acknowledgement.
- Is the same CAN baudrate set for all CAN 节点?
- Is the same CAN mode set for all CAN 节点?
(standard (11bit ID) or extended (29bit ID)?)
- Do all CAN 节点 work according to the same CAN standard?
(ISO 11898 [ISO99-2] (CAN-High-Speed) or ISO 11519 [ISO99-3] CAN-Low-Speed (Fault-Tolerant)).
- Are electrical disturbances on the CAN bus?
- Are Error Frames on the CAN bus?
- Please send to us a CAN topology scheme with the following data
a) Wire length
b) CAN baudrate
c) Location of both CAN termination resistors
d) Number and type of 连接ed CAN 节点
- Could you successfully test the CAN bus with the cancheck or CAN-Bus-Tester?
- Please send us an oscilloscope screenshot of the CAN signal.
11. 为什么我的CAN课的CAN接收器部分中断了?
The CAN transceiver can bear an external overvoltage about +/- 36V on CAN_H and CAN_L referenced to CAN_GND.
An external overvoltage more than +/- 36V can destroy the CAN-Transceiver.
The possible causes for an external overvoltage on the CAN bus:
1. Electric disturbances on the CAN bus (generated by electric motors, variable-frequency drive, lightning…)
A shielded CAN cable reduce the induced electric disturbances.
2. Large differences of the voltage potentials between different CAN 节点 if the CAN_GNDs are not 连接ed with each 其他.
(We recommend 连接ing CAN_GND of all CAN 节点 with each 其他 for the compensating electric current, especially when using CAN interface boards with galvanic isolation).
3. A wrong wiring, that 连接 CAN with an external power supply (>36V).
4. Analysing a CAN bus system using a CAN interface board, please 连接 the CAN bus while it is not running to avoid possible ESD problems.
canopenvcicananalysercancheckixxat |