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NicheStack SMTP

关键词: NicheStack,SMTP

简介:NicheStack SMTPNicheStack SMTP allows the implementation of e-mail notification functions on an embedded system. Therefore, e-mails can thus be sent to any e-mail address, for example to draw attention to faults or in order to transmit production data automatically. It is also possible to send e-mails to several addresses or to include attachments. Specific Features Easy handling: a single C-func...
品 牌 ixxat ixxat
产 地 德国
型 号 PXF2880
折 扣 其他电询


黄工-工业总线-工业自动化-实时仿真 ID:2937





赵工-总线系统-嵌入式系统-工业自动化 ID:2940






NicheStack SMTP

NicheStack SMTP allows the implementation of e-mail notification functions on an embedded system. Therefore, e-mails can thus be sent to any e-mail address, for example to draw attention to faults or in order to transmit production data automatically. It is also possible to send e-mails to several addresses or to include attachments.

Specific Features

  • Easy handling: a single C-function handles the mailing of a given message to all registered e-mail addresses.
  • Socket-interfaces for quick and easy porting

Supported RFC s

  • RFC 821 - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
  • RFC 1869 - SMTP Service Extensions
  • RFC 1870 - SMTP Service Ext for Message Size
NicheStack SMTPNicheStack,SMTP
价格列表: NicheStack SMTPNicheStack,SMTP
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相关产品: NicheStack SMTPNicheStack,SMTP