
关键词: DHCP-Server

简介:DHCP-ServerThis software package allows the implementation of a DHCP server on an embedded system. This enables the system to allocate temporary or permanent IP-addresses to Clients. DHCP is the standard method to allocate a temporary IP-address to devices which do not have a permanent one.Specific Features Retro-compatible with BOOTPSupported RFC s RFC 1541 - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol...
品 牌 ixxat ixxat
产 地 德国
型 号 PXF2882
折 扣 其他电询


This software package allows the implementation of a DHCP server on an embedded system. This enables the system to allocate temporary or permanent IP-addresses to Clients. DHCP is the standard method to allocate a temporary IP-address to devices which do not have a permanent one.

Specific Features

  • Retro-compatible with BOOTP
Supported RFC s

  • RFC 1541 - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
  • RFC 2132 - CHCP Options and BOOTP Vendor Extensions
  • RFC 951 - Bootstrap Protocol Compatible with Windows 95/98/NT
参数资料: DHCP-ServerDHCP-Server
  价格列表: DHCP-ServerDHCP-Server
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  相关产品: DHCP-ServerDHCP-Server

