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关键词: EC-Lyser

简介:EtherCAT diagnosis and error detection toolEC-Lyser is a diagnosis application specifically developed to analyze EtherCAT bus systems that are controlled by the acontis EC-Master Stack. Automated control systems usually require high availability of the whole system. Due to the rough industrial environment this is often hardly to achieve. Possible reasons for failure are: b...
品 牌 ixxat ixxat
产 地 德国
型 号 PXF2834
折 扣 其他电询


黄工-工业总线-工业自动化-实时仿真 ID:2937





赵工-总线系统-嵌入式系统-工业自动化 ID:2940






EtherCAT diagnosis and error detection tool

EC-Lyser is a diagnosis application specifically developed to analyze ethercat bus systems that are controlled by the acontis EC-Master Stack. Automated control systems usually require high availability of the whole system. Due to the rough industrial environment this is often hardly to achieve. Possible reasons for failure are:


  • bad cables or plugs
  • vibrations
  • system degradation (temperature, oxidation, mechanic failure, …)
  • electromagnetic fields
  • ...

If high availability shall be guaranteed for a automated control system it is important to verify and maintain the field bus. Using EC-Lyser it is possible to take a look into the "health" of the EtherCAT system. Detection of signs of system degradation prior to running into a system failure will be of great benefit. In that case it is possible to ex改变 the problematic components (cables, slave devices).
Many aspects of diagnosis are covered by the EC-Lyser:

  • Useful for setting up the system
  • System analyzation and maintenance
  • Error detection
  • Documentation

Base functions

View and 改变 the state of an individual slave or the whole network. Get the values for 连接ed slaves, transmitted frames, lost frames and more.


Edit process image variables

View inputs and force outputs in process image.


Edit ESC register values

View and modify register values of ethercat Slave Controller (ESC).


Edit values in slave controllers EEPROM

Edit EEPROM values (like “Configured Station Alias”) or update complete EEPROM.


canopen over ethercat (CoE)

Read CoE (CANOpen over ethercat) Object Dictionary and 改变 values.


File access over ethercat (FoE)

Download firmware via FoE (File accees over EtherCAT) while slave is in Bootstrap state, or up- and download any 其他 file if supported by slave.


ADS over ethercat (AoE)

Show target NetId and read/write AoE (ADS over EtherCAT) values.


Network topology view

Grafical topology view of the complete network (displays the 连接ion quality in terms of color, which will help you to find and ex改变 defect hardware as soon as possible).



All data required by the EC-Lyser to display the topology view and provide system diagnosis will be directly transferred from the ethercat Master Stack (EC-Master) to the EC-Lyser diagnosis tool. As the EC-Master master stack provides a TCP/IP remote interface this can be accomplished by simply 连接ing the EC-Lyser with this interface. System analysis therefore will not require additional traffic on the EtherCAT bus. All information are directly taken from the EtherCAT master.

价格列表: EC-LyserEC-Lyser
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相关产品: EC-LyserEC-Lyser