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关键词: ITTIA,DB,版本和特性

简介:ITTIA DB is a family of products for high-performance relational data storage on embedded systems and devices. Each edition of ITTIA DB is specifically designed and developed to meet the requirements of a certain class of embedded systems and devices. ITTIA DB is available in both binary and source code packages. 特性 精简版 标准版 加强版 C API...
品 牌
产 地
型 号 PXF2638
折 扣


 ITTIA DB is a family of products for high-performance relational data storage on embedded systems and devices. Each edition of ITTIA DB is specifically designed and developed to meet the requirements of a certain class of embedded systems and devices. ITTIA DB is available in both binary and source code packages.

特性 精简版 标准版 加强版
C API Yes Yes Yes
C++ API Yes Yes Yes
Transaction rollback Yes Yes Yes
硬盘表格和文件存储 Yes Yes Yes
Memory tables and storage Yes   Yes
Strongly-typed tables Yes Yes Yes
B+ tree indexes Yes Yes Yes
T-tree indexes Yes   Yes
Platform-independent file format Yes Yes Yes
SQL   Yes Yes
ODBC   Yes Yes
JDBC   Yes Yes
ADO.NET data adapter, C# API   Yes Yes
LuaSQL   Yes Yes
Python API   Yes Yes
Ruby API   Yes Yes
Qt driver   Yes Yes
Client/server shared access     Yes
Multi-threaded shared access     Yes
Storage-level locking * Yes Yes
Row-level locking and isolation     Yes
Optimistic online backup * Yes Yes
Hot online backup *   Yes
Replication *   Yes
AES storage encryption     Yes
SSL/TLS plugin     Yes
SCRAM authentication     Yes
Synchronize with SQL Server     Yes
Synchronized with Oracle     Yes
Recovery logging * Yes Yes
Dynamic schema alteration Yes* Yes Yes
Encryption callbacks * Yes Yes
Change notification * Yes Yes
Sequences * Yes Yes
BLOB data type * Yes Yes
Unicode data type Yes* Yes Yes
Automatic type conversion * Yes Yes

* This feature can be enabled or disabled in the ITTIA DB source code package. Optional features are disabled in the binary package.

价格列表: ITTIA_DB_版本和特性ITTIA,DB,版本和特性
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相关产品: ITTIA_DB_版本和特性ITTIA,DB,版本和特性

