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关键词: 美国赛博,MPO光缆测试

简介:MPO Testing Fast and accurate MPO testing with WireXpert cable tester This versatile solution enables data center IT managers to get quick and accurate assessment of the quality of MPO links. Additionally, it helps in performing incoming inspection of MPO components like cassettes. The key featur...
品 牌 psiber-美国赛博 psiber-美国赛博
产 地 美国
型 号 PXF3351
折 扣 其他电询


MPO Testing

Fast and accurate MPO testing with WireXpert cable tester

This versatile solution enables data center IT managers to get quick and accurate assessment of the quality of MPO links. Additionally, it helps in performing incoming inspection of MPO components like cassettes. The key feature of this solution is a 5-second Autotest that includes a detection of fiber connection map and measurement of loss on each channel. 

WireXpert cable certification tester WX4500-FA enables testing of MPO/MTP links when used with MPO adapters.  A typical test setup consists of WireXpert local unit with MPO power meter adapter, and the  remote unit with MPO light source adapter attached.  Alternatively, a multimode fiber adapter can be attached to WireXpert local unit for testing individual fibers in MPO link.
This solution provides a fast and accurate measurement of MPO link loss and testing against user configured limit. 


MPO/MTP testing integrated with WireXpert WX4500-FA cable certifier
MPO Autotest in less than 5 seconds
Seamless reporting in ReportXpert software with single fiber and copper test results
Testing MPO-to-SC/LC links for end to end loss measurement on individual fiber
Testing connectivity from MPO to individual fiber
Allows configuring number of active fibers in MPO, making it possible to test even custom links including 8-fiber links
Automatically identifies connection type as type A, B, C or custom
Allows reference settings with any connection type
Displays absolute power level and loss on each fiber
Accurate measurement through encircled flux compliant light source


One cable certifier tests copper, fiber, and MPO links
Easy troubleshooting of connectivity issues
Improve productivity through fast, accurate, and versatile test system

Physical Characteristics

Parameter Specifications
Test time 5 seconds
Test parameters Loss per channel in graphical and tabular format, type of link (A,B,C, or custom), pass/fail against user set limit
MPO link configurations All 12 fibers or user selected fibers
Test Configurations MPO-MPO
  MPO-SC/LC (requires multimode fiber adapter WX_AD_MM on local unit)
MPO Source Adapter  
Fiber/connector type Multimode MPO (type A, pinned)
Wavelength 830nm - 860nm
Encircled Flux requirements Compliant (TIA 942AAC). The measurements are taken using a 50um multimode fiber patch cord in accordance with the TIA/EIA-455-203 (FOTP-203) standard test requirement.
MPO Power Meter Adapter  
Fiber/connector type Multimode MPO (pinned)
Input optical power level at saturation -1.0dBm
Loss measurement dynamic range 0-15 dB
Loss measurement accuracy +- 0.2dB

价格列表: 美国赛博,MPO光缆测试美国赛博,MPO光缆测试
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相关产品: 美国赛博,MPO光缆测试美国赛博,MPO光缆测试

