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关键词: 美国赛博,Psiber,测试仪产品,LE85

简介:Psiber Data - LanExpert 85TM Dual Media Inline Gigabit Network Analyzer 美国赛博Psiber测试仪产品Psiber Data Systems是一家领先的设计者和制造商的测试设备,其产品主要用于局域网络,为世界各地的客户提供服务。随着产品线的逐渐扩大,涵盖了所有的网络层,提供创新的解决方案,可以为企业节省更多的的时间和金...
品 牌 psiber-美国赛博 psiber-美国赛博
产 地 美国
型 号 PXF3357
折 扣 其他电询


Psiber Data - LanExpert 85TM

Dual Media Inline Gigabit Network Analyzer


Psiber Data Systems是一家领先的设计者和制造商的测试设备,其产品主要用于局域网络,为世界各地的客户提供服务。随着产品线的逐渐扩大,涵盖了所有的网络层,提供创新的解决方案,可以为企业节省更多的的时间和金钱。 




LANEXPERT 80 LANEXPERT 85 (LE80/LE85千兆以太网测试仪) 



尺寸 6.5英寸x 4.0英寸x 2.8英寸/ 165毫米×102毫米×71毫米 
重量 22盎司,626克 
界面 彩色液晶触摸屏显示器(320x240xRGB) 
功率 锂离子电池组,交流电源 
链路连接 2 - 个10/100/1000Base-TX 
测试模式 直插式,单端,双独立 
工作温度 32°F至122°F / 0°C至50°C 
储藏温度 14°F至131°F / -10°C至55°C 

尺寸 6.5英寸x 4.0英寸x 2.8英寸/ 165毫米×102毫米×71毫米 
重量 22盎司,626克 
界面 彩色液晶触摸屏显示器(320x240xRGB) 
功率 锂离子电池组,交流电源 
链路连接 1.25GB单模或多模光纤,个10/100/1000Base-TX 
测试模式 直插式,单端,双独立 
工作温度 32°F至122°F / 0°C至50°C 
储藏温度 14°F至131°F / -10°C至55°C 

The essential tool for LAN installers, technicians, managers and service providers

The LanExpert 85 network analyzer provides expert assistance for all tiers of LAN installers, technicians and managers working with either copper or fiber media. An extensive suite of test capabilities include: Link Detection, Ping and Trace Route to verify network connectivity; Single Ended or Inline Packet Monitoring, Filtering and Capture to identify and solve complex problems; User defined Traffic Generation and structured RFC 2544 Stress Test to predict network performance under varying load conditions; Loopback, VoIP and Email tests to ensure proper performance of key network services. The LanExpert is a single solution for network professionals to quickly maintain and optimize networks from the fiber or cable to the packet.

The Inline Mode allows users to non-intrusively monitor network traffic (10/100/1000BaseTX) to identify protocols, port usage, VoIP statistics and network utilization. The LANEXPERT can capture and store up to 10,000 packets with user defined filters for detailed analysis in the field or downloaded over the network or to a USB flash drive. Using either RJ-45 port, tests including Ping, Link, Trace Route, DHCP and Discovery are used to quickly identify network problems The LANEXPERT can generate up to 100% traffic loading with control of packet rate and size to demonstrate network performance at various traffic levels.

Additionally, a stress test that generates traffic and measures performance metrics, in accordance with RFC 2544, is also provided. The stress test can be conducted using the two independent ports on a single unit or used with a second unit located remotely on a network. PoE tests include voltage and inline current measurement to determine the actual power used by a powered device. The LANEXPERT also test cables for shorts, opens, split pairs, reversed pairs, measures cable length and generates tones for cable tracing.

The LANEXPERT is a comprehensive network analyzer that allows users to deliver robust and reliable network services with a single test device. LAN installers, technicians, managers and service providers can now get expert network help at an affordable price.


Dual Media - Fiber and Copper
Optical Rx and Tx power (in dBm) and the internal temperature
Inline Network Analysis
Expert Advice
Network Connectivity Tests
Packet Capture and Monitoring
Traffic Generator
Stress Test - RFC 2544
Phys. Char.

Dimensions 6.5 in. x 4.0 in. x 2.8 in. / 165 mm x 102 mm x 71 mm
Weight 22 ounces; 626 grams
Interface Color LCD Touchscreen Display (320x240xRGB)
Power Li-Ion Battery Pack; AC Power
Link Connections 1.25Gb Single Mode or Multimode Fiber, 10/100/1000Base-TX
Test Modes Inline; Single Ended; Dual Independent
Operating Temperature 32°F to 122°F / 0°C to 50°C
Storage Temperature 14°F to 131°F / -10°C to 55°C


Version 2.0.80 Console Program now compatible with Windows 7 and Previous Windows Versions 

To download the LanExpertTM Console Program click on the word
LanExpert Console 3.1.8(Needed for firmware versions 1.34 and above)

The latest firmware for the LanExpertTM is V2.02

Download and read first: Instructions
To update to this version click on the word Firmware and download the files shown and follow the directions.
The Relase Notes will help you to find out what is new.

For units with firmware version 1.33 or below, please contact Psiber Support for assistance in updating firmware. Click on Contact Info.



The Frequently Ask Questions are organized into their respective sections as they pertain to the LanExpert.

价格列表: 美国赛博Psiber测试仪产品-LE85美国赛博,Psiber,测试仪产品,LE85
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相关产品: 美国赛博Psiber测试仪产品-LE85美国赛博,Psiber,测试仪产品,LE85

