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M30_BACnet MS_TP版本-Anybus

关键词: M30,BACnet,MS,TP版本,AnyBus AnyBusbacnet

简介:BACnet MS/TP Plug-In Module The Anybus-CompactCom BACnet MS/TP communication module provides instant BACnet MS/TP 连接ivity via the patented Anybus-CompactCom host interface. Any device that supports this standard can take advantage of the features provided by the module, allowing seamless network integration regardless of network type.The BACNet MS/TP interface is a serial interface using ...
品 牌
产 地
型 号 PXF1998
折 扣

 bacnet MS/TP Plug-In Module

The anybus-CompactCom bacnet MS/TP communication module provides instant BACnet MS/TP 连接ivity via the patented AnyBus-CompactCom host interface. Any device that supports this standard can take advantage of the features provided by the module, allowing seamless network integration regardless of network type.

The bacnet MS/TP interface is a serial interface using a pluggable screw 连接or. The functionality of the interface is according the B-ASC communication profile with data sharing support for analog, binary and multi state value objects types. The module functionality includes Change of value notification and Alarm/Event functionality and it also has support for real time synchronization according DM-TS-B.


  Support the profile B-ASC with data sharing functionality
  Analog, binary and multi state value object types supported
  Support real time synchronization according DM-TS-B
  Galvanically isolated interface with baud rates 9600/19200/38400/76800 bit/s
  Active module with serial and parallel application interface
  Customizable Identity Information
  256 ADIs available in simple mode for mapping to bacnet objects
  A total of 6120 ADIs available in advanced mode for mapping to bacnet objects
  Change Of Value (COV) notification and Alarm/Event functionality supported


Size:   52 mm x 50 mm x 22 mm
Power Supply:   3,3 V
温度:   -40 to +70°C
Baud Rate:   9600/19200/38400/76800 bit/s
Appl Interface:   Parallel and serial
UL file:   E214107
订货号:   AB6326 (Without Housing)
订货号:   AB6226


M30_BACnet MS_TP版本-AnybusM30,BACnet,MS,TP版本,Anybus
价格列表: M30_BACnet MS_TP版本-AnybusM30,BACnet,MS,TP版本,Anybus
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相关产品: M30_BACnet MS_TP版本-AnybusM30,BACnet,MS,TP版本,Anybus

