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关键词: M30,EtherCAT版本,AnyBus AnyBusethercat

简介:EtherCAT Plug-In module The Anybus-CompactCom EtherCAT communication module provides instant EtherCAT 连接ivity via the patented Anybus-CompactCom host interface. Any device that supports this standard can take advantage of the features provided by the module, allowing seamless network integration regardless of network type.The 100 Mbit/s EtherCAT interface uses 2 standard RJ45 连接器. I...
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型 号 PXF2000
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 ethercat Plug-In module

The anybus-CompactCom ethercat communication module provides instant EtherCAT 连接ivity via the patented AnyBus-CompactCom host interface. Any device that supports this standard can take advantage of the features provided by the module, allowing seamless network integration regardless of network type.

The 100 Mbit/s ethercat interface uses 2 standard RJ45 连接器. It supports a simple low cost line structure, a tree structure, daisy chaining or drop lines - no expensive infrastructure components are required.

The EtherCAT protocol is based on the standard IEEE 802.3 layers according to ISO/OSI. The module physical layer is 100BASE-TX. The communication profile is the canopen adapter device profile using SDO´s and PDO´s for data communication.

M12 连接器
The M12 version is available with and without housing. The version with housing will have an Ingress Protection (IP) rating of 20, just as the standard CompactCom modules with the default fieldbus 连接or. The version without housing will make it possible for the end user to design a product with 保护rating up to IP67. This means that it is completely sealed from dust and can operate under water.


  canopen over ethercat (COE)
  Galvanically isolated bus electronics
  Network Identity customisation
  EMCY support
  Up to 256 bytes of fast cyclic I/O in each direction
  Up to 16383 ADIs can be accessed from the network as Manufacturer Specific Objects
  Generic Device描述 File provided by HMS
  M12 version enabling IP ratings up to IP67


Size:   52 mm x 50 mm x 22 mm
Power Supply:   3,3 Volt
温度:   -40 to +70°C
Baud Rate:   100 Mbit/s (full duplex)
I/O Input:   Max 256 Byte
I/O Output:   Max 256 Byte
Config Method:   Device描述 file for ethercat
Appl Interface:   Parallel and Serial
订货号 M12:   AB6255, AB6355 (without housing) as of April 2013
订货号:   AB6316 (without housing)
订货号:   AB6216


价格列表: M30_EtherCAT版本-AnybusM30,EtherCAT版本,Anybus
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相关产品: M30_EtherCAT版本-AnybusM30,EtherCAT版本,Anybus

