Powerlink Configuration Framework
Component for integration of a projecting and configuration
function for Powerlink systems in OEM tools
Product status |
Product announcement (this product is at the moment under development, dates on request) |
The Powerlink Configuration Framework allows for the integration of projecting and configuration functionality into OEM tools such as PLC programming environments while maintaining a uniform look and feel.
The framework provides all the necessary components and mechanisms required for creation and management of configuration data of a Powerlink project. The framework itself is delivered without user interface, which has to be provided by the OEM tool. This offers the following advantages: all system data is centrally accessible in the interface and can be centrally edited, the OEM tool has a uniform look and feel, and Powerlink-relevant configuration data can be displayed to the user at system level in abstracted form.
- Automatic PDO-mapping and PDO-linking
- Automatic calculation and configuration of the powerlink network timing parameters
- Support of network variables in accordance with CiA DS302/DS405
- Clear and simple access to the device data
- Fast, database-based management of all configuration and device data from device description files
- Management of any number of device description files in one catalogue
- COM-based interface for integration in OEM tools
of functions
A catalog system enables device description files to be imported and stored in a database. This is useful if Powerlink devices are used repeatedly in projects as they can then be selected directly in the catalog and added to a project. It is also possible for an OEM to define which Powerlink devices the customer may use in OEM systems, preventing the customer from using unauthorized devices.
Automatic PDO-mapping and PDO-linking
For larger systems, the specialized applied expertise required for PDO-mapping/linking and the time-consuming, careful selection of the individual PDO links requires great effort. The Powerlink Configuration Framework supports the creation of PDO mappings and the correct allocation of the PDOs to the devices (PDO linking) by means of an automated system. This allows to create I/O links without detailed knowledge of Powerlink.
Network variables in accordance with canopen CiA 302/405
An其他 function provided by the Powerlink Configuration Framework is the definition and management of network variables in accordance with the specifications DS302 or DS405 of CAN-in-Automation. Network variables are typically used by PLCs because of the possibility to link the data (variables) of the application program with data of 其他 devices. Based on these links, the Configuration Framework can then automatically calculate the PDO mapping and linking.
Automatic calculation of the Powerlink communication cycle
Depending on the timing data of the individual Powerlink devices and the lengths of the individual PDOs, the calculation of the Powerlink communication cycle and the configuration values for the timing parameters of both the managing node and the controlled 节点 is performed. This function is automatically carried out by the Powerlink Configuration Framework.
Import / export of device description files (EDS/DCF)
A powerful import and export of device description files enables importing and exporting of devices to and from the catalogue as well as the exporting of configuration data of individual devices from a project.
Generation of configuration data files
After completion of projecting or configuration of a Powerlink system, the Powerlink Configuration Framework creates a configuration data file. This configuration data file is then normally sent to the managing node. The configuration data file is created in the Concise DCF format.
Programming interface
The programming interface of the Powerlink Configuration Framework is implemented as a COM interface. It provides various interfaces for the management of the catalogue, of the projects and of the individual devices in a project. This enables simple integration of the Powerlink Configuration Framework in OEM tools.
System requirements
- Windows 2000 with SP4 or Windows XP with SP2
Order number
canopenpowerlink |